Fraud awareness

It has been brought to our attention that Aeon Investment Management’s Name, Branding and FSP details have been fraudulently used to sell fake investment products/investment schemes to unsuspecting consumers on various social media platforms. Please note that Aeon Investment Management does not conduct business on social media platforms, and this includes WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, or [...]

2021-06-02T10:26:43+02:00April 23rd, 2021|

What is hurting miners’ outlook the most?

An oversupply in commodities and a strengthening rand makes it unlikely mining shares on the JSE will repeat 2016’s strong performance in 2017. Global commodity prices made a sharp correction from highs in February, led by iron ore tumbling from more than $94 per tonne to $50. It has now stabilised at about $60. "Investors [...]

2017-10-17T15:44:13+02:00June 6th, 2017|

The arduous task of investing responsibly

Putting South Africa’s asset managers to the test on their responsible investment claims. What started out as an exercise in mapping investment options became an unsolicited exercise in testing South Africa’s asset managers on their Responsible Investment claims and on their willingness to adequately and transparently answer the questions of a stakeholder interested in moving [...]

2017-10-17T15:46:33+02:00May 22nd, 2017|

SA’s Aspen accused of driving up drug prices in Europe

South African firm Aspen Pharmacare is claimed to have ‘plotted to destroy supplies of life-saving cancer medicines’ over a battle to drive up prices in Europe. The Daily Mail reports that Aspen is understood to have proposed the wastage during a row with the Spanish health service in 2014, while it is also said to have threatened to stop supplying medicine to Italian authorities a year earlier. [...]

2017-10-17T15:50:05+02:00April 19th, 2017|

Denmark’s Jyske Bank joins Futuregrowth in ‘pulling plug’ on Eskom

Denmark’s Jyske Bank became the second money manager to say it won’t lend to Eskom after the nation’s biggest specialist fixed-income manager said it had stopped extending credit to state-owned companies amid concern about their governance. “We pulled the plug on Eskom too yesterday,” Rune Hejrskov, senior money manager at the Silkeborg, Denmark-based company said [...]

2017-10-17T15:54:46+02:00September 1st, 2016|

FSC BBBEE Voluntary Dispensation For TOP 100 Retriement Funds Including Umbrella Funds

BROAD-BASED BLACK ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT ACT SECTION 9 (1) CODES OF GOOD PRACTICE AS AMENDED SCHEDULE 1 VOLUNTARY DISPENSATION FOR TOP 100 RETIREMENT FUNDS INCLUDING UMBRELLA FUNDS 1. Introduction Many aspects of South Africa’s B-BBEE dispensation are not relevant to retirement funds. However, funds play a critical role in the South African economy by virtue of [...]

2017-10-17T16:57:47+02:00August 23rd, 2016|

Neglecting black investors puts Cyril Ramaphosa under fire

State accused of ignoring black investment professionals, specifically when delegation was sent to convince ratings agencies SA was sound Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa was criticised this week by black investment professionals, who accused government of neglecting them. Read more on News 24 ...

2018-05-18T09:23:34+02:00August 7th, 2016|

Fear&Greed Index (Institute of Retirement Funds)

Investors and investment professionals at some stage or another have searched for and dreamt many a night of finding the ‘holy-grail’ indicator to time market tops and bottoms. Many criteria have been used, and some have brought hope while others have proven to be less reliable. Of various attempts to foretell market trends, some have stood out and raised [...]

2017-10-17T17:03:30+02:00August 1st, 2016|

IRFA Conference FSC BBBEE Voluntary Dispensation For Top 100 Retirement Funds Including Umbrella Funds

Why Transformation to a Normal and Equal Society? Now 91% of population can compete Most Olympic medals since 1952 Poverty eradication & equal society Jobs, skills development, economic growth Advance in sports, medicine, technology, entertainment, renewable energy etc. Sustainable society for future generations Investment Industry Black Managed & Owned Investment Management Firms: Manage 4.4% of [...]

2017-10-17T17:01:06+02:00August 1st, 2016|
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